Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Future Pup To BE

This was from Saturday/Monday (will post the update later today or tomorrow):

DH and I are looking to get a dog for K. Not a service dog, but a dog that will fit in with our family. A dog that is less then a year old. A puppy that we can take for walks and is friendly. An animal that will curl up with you at the end of the day. A happy dog that is energetic but calm. I went to the SPCA with K on Saturday to look. We found a 7 1/2 month old Lab mix - but have not come to any conclusions. I would rather this decision to take a while so we can find a dog that will fit in our life. The woman who knows more about the dogs was not there on Saturday. I took the time to fill out the paper work and speak with a counselor. So tomorrow the woman who knows more about the dogs should call me - but I am stopping in tomorrow (Monday) to check it out.

My husband is in and out of the house through out the day. I work a part time split shift job. So this will allow us the time to spend with the future pup during the work day. Also K loves to be outside and there are several dog parks in our town. The dog would share K's room. We are going to put selves up on the walls for her toys and a latch of sorts on her toy box. (Her room is bare except for her bed and toy box.) We are going to put up a wall length chalk board for her. Her floor is tile. There will be a create for the future pup.

Now based on the research that I have done ... the best breed of dog is Lab, Retriever, or a Poodle. Now, I am kind a partial to a beagle, but we will see. 

As far as the benefits:
As Temple Grandin has proven, individuals with autism are often able to connect with animals in very deep and meaningful ways. In particular, dogs can teach a child unconditional love, responsibility, compassion and provide unparalleled companionship that can potentially change the course of their lives. From "Dogs Proven Therapeutic for Children with Autism" AutismKey
  • teaching responsibility, unconditional love, compassion and respect
  • creating a relaxing atmosphere that can reduce anxiety
  • providing companionship that can alter social behavior
Below are the websites that I have checked out:


  1. We got a dog last year, to basically use as a therapy dog for K. She LOVES and I mean LOVES animals. The puppy part is a bit tough to get through, but it really is a great idea. Dogs are just so calming for everyone.

  2. We have had Snoopy for a week today! K loves him and is still getting use to him. She will sing to him while he is in his crate and feed him snacks. She gets excited when he chases her, but cannot stand the jumping. K is talking more and talking about Snoopy. We cannot always understand it, but I see the good that it brings out in her in such a short amount of time of having him.
