Monday, May 30, 2011

No milk ... No Juice ... Water Only

For the past few weeks I have had to hide and lock up all liquid based bottles - from soap (bath, dish, laundry detergent) to bottled water and other drinks. The problem with hiding the drinks like milk, juice, tea is that they require to be refrigerated. The baby locks for the refrigerated or cabinets do not work because K has figured out how to open them. Our next step is to put a garden gate style door on the two door ways in the kitchen.

K has been pouring out all liquids. Milk, juice, laundry detergent, soap, anything and EVERY thing she can get her hands on. I will be in the bathroom or in the other room cleaning and she will be pouring stuff into the sink.

Today she is asking for milk, well we have no milk since she poured out a 1/2 gallon of milk last night. K wants me to make juice, but I will not since she poured out the milk. Today she will only have water ... since she has poured out all the other drink options.

K did have a melt down and decided to throw some random items in my bedroom. But that will not help her get milk. K did her "gila monster" scream ... still no milk or juice. Water only. I am holding out. K is not happy, but I will deal with it. I have explained to her when she pours the milk down the drain it "goes bye bye" and we cannot get it back.

So the drink of choice today .... Water only.

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