Wednesday, March 30, 2011

To ipad or not to ipad - that is that question

There is a lot of buzz now about the ipad ... a lot of buzz about this device being helpful to children with Autism and helping them to communicate to the world ... since so many have difficulties being able to do so on their own. (SEE POST: ALL ABOUT AUTISM)

So my question for my family and for K is "To ipad or not to ipad?"

I read and hear about the good that it is doing for non-verbal and limited verbal children (like my K). That for some kids it is limiting or eliminating the tantrums that they would normally have since they are able to communicate their needs and wants.

This is what DH  and I both want for K. We want K to communicate with us. If this piece of technology will help her then we are all for it. We just need to factor in the price of this tool and the price of the apps that she will use. It is something that we need to work into our budget.

Now there are some places that are assisting with the cost for ipad for low income families and more research needs to be done on that.

Below are some links relating to the cost of the ipad, news stories and information on apps:

Cost of the Ipad:
Cost of ipad from

News Articles:
Mother sets out to buy iPads for other autistic children
Is the iPad a 'Miracle Device' for Autism?
The Conversation: iPad Gives Voice to the Autistic
Students with autism, Asperger's develop iPad app
Can the iPad Be a Learning Tool for Kids With Autism?

Articles about Apps for the ipad:
iPad for Autism: Selecting the best apps
10 Revolutionary iPad Apps to Help Autistic Children

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